Heavy Vehicles Rollover Prevention


We have all seen the photos and read the comments about trucks rolling over. Unfortunately these photos and comments have a negative effect not only on the operator of the truck but the wider road freight industry. Making sure a truck and its load are safe and compliant are just two factors in reducing truck rollover, the most important factor is the understanding and attitude of the driver about the dynamic forces that act on a truck and its load when it is moving. Ensuring your drivers understand these forces, along with the actions they can take to reduce the potential for rollovers happening, should be part of your Health and Safety training.


TEL has put together a study guide to help your drivers understand heavy vehicle stability and the on-road dynamics that can affect these. This is available to download from our E-store.

If you have any further questions or require any assistance please contact the team at TEL at tohora.ent@gmail.com or 02102267176